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Special Needs Education

Lecturer &Chair of Department
Dr. Everline Nyokabi Maina

The department has been recognized for producing quality teachers in Special Needs Education and Early Childhood Development and Education through its Certificate, Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes.

Specifically, the department is known nationally and internationally for producing competent teachers and professionals in Kenyan Sign Language, Braille, Assessment and early intervention, inclusive education, Individualised Education Program, practical teaching and research.

As an alumna of the Department of Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation, Maseno University, it gives me great pleasure in endorsing the department’s reputation for producing world-class educators, administrators and researchers. 

One unique aspect of the department is that students are given a strong foundation through a wide range of courses that prepare them for the job market. 

We take pride in having a team of experts in Special Needs Education that forms the academic staff.  Our endeavor is to nurture outstanding graduates who are competent and committed to the profession through quality teaching and research. 

 Welcome to the Department of Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation, Maseno University

We value quality and equity in education and readily embrace diversity